Thursday, September 15, 2011

Blog Write-up/ peer editing.

This blog tells the story by having all the different posts go into detail about our main about tab. Each post gives a unique detail into the story and shows different aspects that the story could go in to. Before reading the post it is important to read the about tab story in order to give the reader a brief overview about what is going on in the over all blog.
The posts are arranged so that the reader will be able to find more about the story in different aspects. We have posts that coorispond with the story and a post that gives actual facts, but still cooridsponds with the story. Overall, all the posts will have something to with the about tab story making it easier for the reader to follow and get more details.
The factors that inspired us would be the fact that sharks are awesome! It was interesting to find out different facts about sharks and why they attack. It was also interesting to find out what to do in the event that a shark actually attacks and how to prevent it from happening in the first place. It is also interesting because of how the movies and entertainment show sharks. They make them look like they attack anyone who gets in the water. The actual fact is they don't and the posts on this blog will show you that.
Our favorite part of the project was researching about sharks because it is an interesting topic and it was great to learn about. The least favorite part of the project was working with the program blogger because it started out really confusing. After awhile it got better, but it was just confusing not knowing what to do.
1. Was our blog easy to follow?
2. What are some recommendations?
3. Were the facts interesting and make you want to keep reading?